Online E-Commerce Ethics for Your Business

It’s time to exercise some common online ethics for your business.

  • When operating an e-Commerce business, having good ethics is important to build trust with customers.

  • Ensure that your online business has core values and principles.

  • Always convey the truth when marketing.

  • Ensure that your customer’s data and privacy are always secured.

E-Commerce has become a mainstay in modern day businesses, giving proprietors with less ‘tangible’ resources an upper hand against traditional retail giants.

The Internet finds its way into almost every moment of our daily lives. This online traffic has become a wider prospect for e-Commerce platforms, providing advantages that make it a hassle-free shopping experience.

This comparison between online and offline shopping may have stark differences in how they operate, but one thing stays the same, and that’s the customer’s trust in the business.

The Notion of Ethical e-Commerce

There are a few major aspects that businesses have to consider if they want to successfully establish themselves. Aside from the usual quality and production, there is also the abstract idea of ethics.

A study done by Accenture (2019) found that consumers were more willing to make a purchase with retailers that communicated their ethics more clearly.

This applies to all forms of commerce, but for today, we’re taking a look at how online shopping can offer a much-needed crystal-clear transparency.


1. Business Values & Principles

If a business wants to appeal to people, they need to sound more human. The idea is to establish a ‘voice’, one to let customers know what priorities your company has set, and what they can expect when interacting with your business.

These are usually a unique set of values and principles that your company sincerely believes in. Publish these code of ethics on a platform where you expect the most traffic in, such as your social media pages or your website.

Here are some strong examples of core values from popular brands that you may have heard of!


2. Give Only the Right Idea

A hurdle in today’s online shopping is the absence of physical testing. So, when your business communicates, ensure that you convey your message clearly and truthfully.

This is most noticeable when it comes to marketing. A common mistake is when businesses overly exaggerate their products or services! This doesn’t just give a false sense of credibility, but a breach in trust.

Thus, make sure that any content published from your company is transparent, honest, and sincere.


3. Privacy and Data

Data, or typically known as ‘cookies’, are intuitive methods on providing the best experience for customers online. These open up gateways for convenience, especially in the realm of e-Commerce.

But it isn’t without its notoriety. Customers want security and privacy when they’re surfing through your business; that means any sensitive material, like home addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information should remain absolutely confidential.

There are ways to solidify this trust! Some of the more popular choices online include getting a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection for your page. We highly recommend first-time users to get Let’s Encrypt, a 100% free way to secure your site.

A (Online) World Built on Trust

In its state, there are no laws governing the level of truth on the Internet. The issues surrounding privacy, trust, and security will undoubtedly continue to find itself on the web.

This will change as more effective strategies and policies are enacted online. But for the time being, a contemporary solution falls on the use of ethics, regardless of medium, which beautifully reflects how we, as people, treat one another in the real world!