Introducing BAH Digital

A digitally integrated Brunei?
From ancient man’s discovery of the use of fire and tools, to Henry Ford’s revolution of the assembly line, and the development of the first computer, technological advancement has propelled society forward in huge leaps throughout history, and all around us evidence is pointing to the fact that humanity is in the process of making its next big jump.
Artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), 5G wireless, nanotechnology, neuro-technological brain enhancements, quantum computing, genetic editing, self-driving cars, virtual reality (VR), 3D printing, and big data analytics; if you’ve been paying attention, one of more of these terms may have come up in a discussion about the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and where life, work and technology as we know it is headed. Many will be familiar with the jargon, concepts, and possibilities for growth on an individual and collective level, and many won’t. But not to worry – you’ve got BAHDigital.
As Bruneians, we enjoy a unique position in the world – we reap the benefits of proximity to technological advancement while largely avoiding its pitfalls. We enjoy the comforts of strong adherence to a traditional way of life without being shackled by it. While some may see this as a tenuous balance, at BAHDigital, we see it as an ideal launch point to capitalise on the digital movements sweeping the world. To build a stronger nation. A truly first world, tech-savvy, Smart Nation, empowered and anchored by the ideals of our Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) philosophy.
BAHDigital is a wholly Bruneian call to inject the integration of digital technology into our collective mindset in order for it to become a reality in our day-to-day lives. It’s the journey of a nation thinking ahead in order to get ahead, and it’s a journey that begins with you.
In this world of rapid technological deployment, the only limits to where our lives could go is our imagination. Advanced societies aren’t very far from the internet of things enabling doctors to remotely communicate with patients—with a repository of previous recordings being automatically cross-examined for accuracy and minimisation of manual, human error. Digital homes could revolutionise emergency situations with people who are immobilised by injury being able to simply speak loudly and request emergency services. Within our lifetime there is every reality that remote communities may be able to have medicine deliveries by drone. The possibilities truly are endless, and not just in healthcare.
As we strive toward technological revolution our aim is to transform and improve lives, and it is important to keep in mind the National Vision 2035 as it covers both where the nation wants to go, and crucially, how we will be able to get there. The starting point is to have a well-educated and highly-skilled population consistent with the highest international standards, to have high quality of life, as well as a sustainable and dynamic economy with a per capita income that sits among the top 10 nations in the world.
To move in that direction, BAHDigital has identified six sectors where digital technology deployment could have the biggest positive impact: Health, Tourism, Gig Economy, Education, E-Commerce and E-Government.
Free healthcare is a privilege that all Bruneians share, but with the integration of IT in this sector, health services and medical care could see the positive effects of more systematic health records, a transformed doctor-patient relationship, and tech advancements that provide new solutions to decades-old medical problems.
With Brunei’s tourism gradually progressing towards a boom, it’s time to look at innovative ways to promote the industry through use of technology, and using smart resources draw travellers towards our home and improving their experience once they get here. It’s about creating a unique and personalised digital experience for every tourist, ensuring that Brunei has something special to offer to everyone.
Gig Economy
The world of work has changed dramatically between this generation and the last, and the rapid growth of the gig economy shows that the rate of change is accelerating. Freelancers, consultants, independent contractors and temporary contract workers are not new terms, but the nature of the work they do is evolving all the time, calling for more enterprising and creative opportunities for employment.
As education in the 21st Century steadily moves towards e-learning and innovative teaching, it may be time to deconstruct the traditional classroom setting and make way for modern education that better equips our youth for a future where the threshold for skilled work is pushed further and further from what our education system prepares them for.
With start-ups becoming more commonplace in the local business sector, we need to start looking into how local companies can grow and expand beyond national borders, gaining the favour of the modern, global consumer, who favours convenience and a personalised digital shopping experience above all else.
As the nation embraces digital transformation, government must follow suit to allow for the maintenance of a strong working relationship with citizens in a digital space. Through digitisation of public services and ensuring equal access to technology, governments can only benefit from the 4IR if they lead the way in empowering it.