Empowering Local MSMEs with Digital Solutions

Joint funding scheme offered by AITI to businesses to take up digital solutions to enhance their productivity.

When businesses today ignore the wonders of adopting digital solutions for higher efficiency, they run the risk of lower sales, higher production costs and at worst, failing to remain relevant for much longer.

Take the case of the husband and wife in the video below, who had run into a host of problems buying a bag due to the business’ inability to ensure they had digital solutions such as a website, a delivery option, an inventory list as well as a card terminal and e-Commerce payment option.

All of that not only resulted in a frustrating customer experience, but also made the husband late for his dinner date – for whom he was buying the bag in the first place!

If you’re an MSME hoping to empower your business while reducing costs, increasing efficiency and looking to have an edge in the digital economy, but you’re worried about the initial costs of digital adoption, here’s your answer.

The Productivity and Efficiency Joint-Funding for Digital Adoption (PENJANA) Scheme by Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI) offers a number of options to help make the transition easier and more affordable as well, through financial funding for up to 70% of the total cost.

To apply for the scheme, you must fulfil the following criteria:

Businesses that are 100% locally owned by Bruneian citizens or permanent residents

Businesses categorised as Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

Businesses that have been active and fully operational for at least two years

In terms of funding support, AITI will subsidise the subscription fees from a list of pre-approved solution packages, according to the applicant’s business needs. The amount of funding is based on the business’ Annual Turnover, with a funding cap of B$5,000 for each MSME and valid for a year.

Below is a table to further illustrate the scale of the subscription:

MSME's Average Annual Turnover AITI Funding
Above B$100,000 50% of total annual cost
B$50,000.10 – B$100,000 60% of total annual cost
Up to B$50,000 70% of total annual cost

AITI also works with local ICT companies to provide readily available solutions that can be utilised across a variety of industry sectors.

There are currently five categories offered by pre-approved digital solution providers, which include:


Assists staff and accountants to record and summarise the company’s financial activities.

Digital Point of Sale (POS)

Records sales entry, maintains customer relations, deals with the upkeep of inventory, as well as providing sales reports and analysis, available for both stand-alone and multi-outlets operations.

E-Commerce Solutions

Helps users to have a more visible online presence, by offering a fully functional e-Commerce website package, with features such as content management, online leads analysis, and online transaction management capabilities.


Allows for an electronic or digital method to transfer funds as an alternative for cash payments.

Human Resource Management System (HRMS)

Contains software applications that manage processes related to human resources.

By putting technology at the centre of your business strategy, you stand to improve in all areas of your enterprising work; with a better, more systematic approach for internal operations, and elevate customer experience and ensure you have a captive and loyal community.

Is your business ready to go digital?

Applications are open for all MSMEs including those in the non-ICT sector. MSMEs can submit their application forms together with a quotation from a pre-approved solution vendor.

For more information, you can send email enquiries to penjana@aiti.gov.bn